Who we are
You may have heard the news: It has been estimated that 96% of the biomass of all mammals is made up of humans and domesticated animals. Only 4% are wild animals and only a fraction of these are wild animals which are also large. That’s what happens when one species escapes the downsides of life: predation, starvation, disease and parasites. Welcome to the anthropocene!
It is not a common experience to see a large animal in the wild anywhere on the planet. But it is always a delight when that happens. What I do is bring that delight to people who visit Helsinki. Amazingly, it is possible to see many large animals very close to Helsinki. Welcome to the Serengeti of the North!
So how did I get into taking people to see moose? I have enjoyed adventures in nature all my life. Growing up in Helsinki I spent a lot of time in forests which we have in the city. Some years ago I started to do nature photography. I discovered that finding moose is possible close to Helsinki. I thought others would enjoy seeing them too. Moose are pretty amazing. I will tell you more when we meet. Looking forward to a safari with you!
I don’t always wear a suit, but I couldn’t find any other good fairly recent photo of myself.